Welcome to Your Census Union
Council 241 represents local Census unions throughout the country.
Highly experienced representation
Council 241 & The Locals

I choose to be a member of my union because I need the support and ability to fight for our rights. Without the union, there would be no protection.
As a member of AFGE, I feel like I have a voice to make a difference and continuously improve the workplace for my fellow colleagues and myself!
I joined the Union not long after my employment in Census around 2002-2003, at that time, I was encouraged by my fellow colleagues who were members and I wanted to see what the union was all about. Fast forward to 2023 and I’m still part of a great team of people who are very engaged and dedicated to helping out its members in any way they can. A highly trustworthy and loyal group that know when to take it to the table and also have fun during our many yearly events both online and in person.