Representation and Union Rights

AFGE is the exclusive representative of NPC Bargaining Unit (BU) and in that role, the Union has the responsibility to represent bargaining unit employees with complaints filed through a negotiated grievance process.

In situations where an employee needs representation and a statutory appeal process is available, dues paying members benefit from receiving assistance when necessary, including but not limited to:

  1. EEO Complaints
  2. Proposed Disciplinary Actions
  3. MSPB (Merit System Protection Board)
  4. Classification Appeals
  5. Workers Compensation Appeals

AFGE has NO obligation to represent non-dues paying members in appeals where the employee has a statutory appeal process available.


If a member’s rights are violated, the Negotiated Grievance Procedure gives you, the Bargaining Unit Employee, a protected process in which to attempt resolution of a violation.

The important thing to know is you MUST file within 21 calendar days from the date the violation occurred or the date you should have been aware of the violation.