Hello, whether you are:

  • Brand new to the Government or
  • Have worked for the Government for a while,

Welcome to your Union, the American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE). We think you’ve made a very wise decision in joining us—as we are here to represent and serve you.

While you may not see your elected union officers and stewards daily, please know we are behind the scene working hard on your behalf. You have joined one of the largest and most powerful government unions in this nation with over 750,000 active members represented by AFGE. Representing you here at AFGE Local 2782, are 10 elected officials and several professionally trained stewards (see contact information at the bottom of our webpage.) We are here to enforce the Collective Bargaining Agreement and to enforce the LAW. We are your voice and we are here to advocate for YOU.

  • E-dues. You can use this secure website to do this–this option connects your membership to a card or bank account.
    • Your agency is CENS- Bureau of Census
    • Your local depends on your duty station. L2782 is for Headquarters (Suitland) and L1438 is for Jeffersonville/NPC & Denver’s Regional Office.
      • For L2782, please email treasurer@afge-local2782.org to let our treasurer know that you signed up using e-dues and share names of the person who referred you (if anyone did.)
Our members help support the work we do through the good and the bad. We cannot fight for the rights (Telework, Remote Work, Maxiflex just to name a few) of Census employees without the support of our dues-paying members. Joining means you are securing the chance for us to speak on your behalf and for your voice to actually be heard.
Finally, the Union is not just the Officers & Stewards that are appointed or elected to represent you, it’s a partnership of all employees making a better workplace and a voice for all employees.
As a new member, we look forward to serving you so your voice can be heard and represented, as we wish you a very successful career here at Census.
In solidarity,
Johnny Zuagar, President
AFGE Council 241 & Local 2782
AFGE logo


Expand your benefits. Support each other. Join today!

I choose to be a member of my union because I need the support and ability to fight for our rights. Without the union, there would be no protection.

Edna Hermans, AFGE 2782

I joined the Union not long after my employment in Census around 2002-2003, at that time, I was encouraged by my fellow colleagues who were members and I wanted to see what the union was all about. Fast forward to 2023 and I’m still part of a great team of people who are very engaged and dedicated to helping out its members in any way they can. A highly trustworthy and loyal group that know when to take it to the table and also have fun during our many yearly events both online and in person.

Erica Coates , AFGE 2782

As a member of AFGE, I feel like I have a voice to make a difference and continuously improve the workplace for my fellow colleagues and myself!

Mary Ana McKay, AFGE 2782